Pregnant with copper IUD symptoms
“Motherhood: the only place you can experience heaven and hell at the same time.” — Unknown
Being a mother is a beautiful experience. It starts from the very first day of the pregnancy. The moment a couple decides that they can plan a child from that flick of a second, butterflies start roaming around a mother. The expression of such emotion cannot be explained in words. Though technically, it begins with the fertilization of the egg. The fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.
In case you are planning for IUD, conceiving a child is very rare. Only a few women are able to get pregnant with copper or hormonal intrauterine devices every year.
An IUD remains in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. But in a few cases, it slips to the cervix region and conceiving of the kid takes place. Then, it is very dangerous for the lives of the baby and the mother.
As soon as you come to know about missing your periods, consult a doctor immediately.
Various types of pregnancies with intrauterine devices
In case your IUD fails, consult the doctors. He will let you know what type of pregnancy you are having.
Intrauterine pregnancy:
Intrauterine pregnancy is a normal process in which the baby grows for 9 months in the uterus. It refers to the sac present in your womb while the baby is too small to see.
Ectopic pregnancy:
Ectopic pregnancy takes place when the fertilized egg implants and grows outside the uterus. It usually takes place in the fallopian tubes. It is also known as tubal pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy occurs in the ovary, the lower part of the uterus (cervix), and the abdominal cavity, which connects to the vagina. This process can’t be preceded in a normal way. The growing tissues may cause a threat to the life of the mother if they are left untreated.
Doctors never recommend ectopic pregnancy. They recommend ending it up to protect the mother. An intrauterine device is used to prevent conceiving in the uterus. But this does not mean that you cannot get pregnant. But to save your life, ectopic pregnancy is usually avoided.
Pregnancy and intrauterine devices
In case you get pregnant while using the IUD, most likely, the doctor will remove the device present in your body. The chances of miscarriage or loss of pregnancy are more if the device stays in.
To take out the device, the doctor will try to pull the attached string to take it out. If the string is curled up to the cervix then, the doctor might use a tool to take out the string. The doctor may ask you to get an ultrasound so that he can have a keen vision of the things going on inside your body.
While taking out the intrauterine device, the uterus may get big. If something happens like this then, he will stop the further procedure to protect the child present in your womb. The doctor will take out the IUD, after the birth of the child.
Early warning
In the initial stage of an ectopic pregnancy, light vaginal bleeding may take place or you may experience pain in your pelvic region.
In case, the blood passes/leaks from the fallopian tubes then, you may experience pain in your shoulder or have the high urge to have a bowel movement.
The symptoms specifically depend upon where the blood is being collected and which nerve is irritated.
What is the right time to see the doctor?
If you have intrauterine device treatment and conceive a child, you need to consult a doctor at the earliest. There are various signs of ectopic pregnancy:
- Pain in the shoulders
- Fainting
- Lightheadedness
- Abdominal and pelvic pain
- Vaginal bleeding
As you come across such symptoms, contact the doctor.
There is no alternative to prevent an ectopic pregnancy. Here are some methods which can help you to decrease the risk:
- Do not smoke.
- Use a condom during the sex
- Limit the number of sexual partners.
Reasons behind the failure of the intrauterine device
Falls out:
In case the IUD falls out of the vagina, you are no more protected. It’s crucial to check the strings connected to the device.
Moves out of place:
IUD may be present inside your uterus in the wrong position. It may hurt/cause infection if it is not fitted correctly in your uterus.
IUDs too have an expiration date. If you keep the intrauterine device above the suggested time period then the chance of conceiving may increase.
Various symptoms of pregnancy
Signs which help you to evaluate the pregnancy are:
- Swollen breast
- Missing of the period
- Often feel like to urinate
- Feel tired all the day
If you have an ectopic pregnancy, then the signs are a bit different
- Light bleeding
- Pain in the shoulders
- Mild cramps
- Pelvic pain
- The urge to poop
- Faint
- Dizziness
- Fast breathing
If you want to terminate the pregnancy
If your pregnancy is ectopic and you are planning to terminate it then, the doctor has 2 different ways to terminate.
If it is the first trimester, then with the help of medication like methotrexate, that is used to stop the growth of the embryo. Hence, your body will absorb the tissues of the pregnancy. Abortion pills are taken within first 10 weeks.
In case you have crossed the first trimester, then you have to go for a surgical procedure.
If it is in your uterus then it’s up to you to decide whether you want to have it or abort it.
Wrap up:
The complication of keeping devices during the pregnancy inside you is at great risk. Therefore, it is not recommended. Hence, early IUD removal can help you to decrease the level of risk to the mother and the child.