How effective is electrolysis hair removal?
Nobody enjoys having unwanted hair on their body. It might be hair on the face or any other area of the body. Almost every female fantasizes about having a pristine, hairless body. However, not every woman is endowed with this set of genes. Due to higher-than-average levels of androgens in their bodies, some individuals grow abundant hair. Testosterone is one of these androgens.
Although virtually all women have facial hair, it is pretty light in color. However, hormonal circumstances influence the texture of the hair, causing it to darken. This situation can harm any girl’s beauty. Self-consciousness might emerge in the females who are affected by this condition. However, with technological advancements, resolving this issue has become a piece of cake. There are numerous methods out there for removing unwanted hair, both permanently and temporarily.
Different ways to remove body hair
Shaving: This is the most common and the easiest way to get rid of facial or body hair. It is painless and can be done to remove the hair from the surface of the skin.
Waxing: This is the most popular method for ladies to have a hair-free body. In this method, hot or cold wax is applied to the area where the hair is to be removed, and then the strip is used to peel the hair off. This is a bit uncomfortable, but it eliminates hair for a longer length of time. Waxing is a complex operation that may necessitate the use of a professional.
Depilatories: In this process, you apply a gel or cream to your skin and the substance aids in the removal of hair. This is also a painless operation that may be completed without the assistance of anybody else.
Threading: A thread is used to remove the body hair. This may be a cumbersome process for some people, and the assistance of an expert may be necessary.
Prescription Cream: This is a procedure that helps in slowing down the growth of new hair. This is a painless process, but it does not work on already grown hair.
Laser hair removal: Laser treatment is used to eliminate hair by the emission of a light ray. This process requires many sittings, and you may continue to get the hair, but it will be thinner and lighter. You can also perform this therapy at home using laser equipment, but it will take much longer, and you must be patient to see the benefits.
Electrolysis: In this method, an electric current is sent to hair follicles to dissolve them. This is also a time-consuming activity and needs multiple sessions for the treatment.
What is electrolysis?
Electrolysis hair removal is a hair removal treatment that a trained electrologist carries out. It is carried out by inserting a thin wire into the hair follicles. Precision is crucial in this process; therefore, it should be carried out by qualified specialists.
Electric current is delivered from the wire to the hair follicles during this operation, causing significant damage to the hair root. Hair loss and hair growth are both hampered by damaged roots. This method has been used for over a century, and it is the only one that the FDA has identified for permanent hair removal.
Need for electrolysis –There can be various reasons for people opting for this procedure. Some of them are mentioned below.
- Some people are unhappy with hair growth in specific locations, such as between the brows, across the lips, or even on the breasts.
- Hirsutism is a medical disorder. This medical disease causes excessive hair growth on the body. As a result, individuals desire to use electrolysis to remove extra hair.
- If a person intends to change their gender.
Electrolysis Uses
Body regions like underarms, fingers, toes, face, breasts, abdomen, thighs, lower legs, and back can be very effectively treated through this procedure.
Reasons for unwanted hair growth
- Genetics plays a crucial role in our lives, and it is also one of the primary reasons for excessive hair growth in some individuals.
- If any individual has high levels of androgens in their body, which is also referred to as male hormone, they can have unwanted hair.
- Overconsumption of certain harmful drugs can also lead to this medical condition.
- Illness like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, commonly known as PCOD, can be the reason for unwanted hair growth.
The device used in electrolysis
Epilators are electrolysis devices used in this whole procedure, and they work by destroying the growth Centre and stopping hair growth.
Number of electrolysis treatments required
Several electrolysis treatments may vary according to the severity of the medical condition. Generally, patients need one appointment every week or once in two weeks or so. The therapy can even last up to one year if the problem persists. Body area is also a fundamental criterion to look for. A larger area will eventually require more sessions.
Different types of electrolysis
Thermolysis electrolysis – Shortwave radiofrequency is used in this process which causes the moisture present in the hair to vibrate, and this produces heat at top speed.
Galvanic electrolysis – This kind of electrolysis is the most ancient type of electrolysis hair removal. In this procedure, a direct current is used to create a chemical change in the follicle, which in turn dissolves the roots forever.
Blend electrolysis – This type is called the mixture of thermolysis and galvanic electrolysis. This is used as a backup procedure. In case of the processes mentioned above do not work correctly, the other can be relied upon.
Advantages of electrolysis
The majority of individuals observe permanent hair removal after the completion of all the sessions. This treatment is appropriate for all types of skin, especially the sensitive areas of our body.
Things to avoid after this procedure
Just after the treatment, the next 24 hours are very crucial, and it’s necessary to avoid the activities mentioned below in this time period:
- Avoid sun exposure.
- Say no to make up for 24 hours.
- Avoid any activity which causes sweating.
Electrolysis is a highly efficient and safe method of hair removal. The likelihood of becoming infected is minimal. The risks can be reduced by selecting a qualified health care provider with extensive expertise in this treatment. However, this treatment’s specific, frequent adverse effects, such as skin reddening and black patches, may occur. Before undergoing any surgery, consult with your dermatologist.